
Scholarships are provided by local organizations, businesses, and families. Read the instructions CAREFULLY. You are responsible for checking and meeting eligibility requirements. Note and verify all deadlines. Missed deadlines will void your application. ALL SCHOLARSHIPS ARE SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY AND CHANGE AS MANDATED BY THE SPONSOR. Please make sure the applications is complete, neatly typed or handwritten, and turned in on time. Please remember to MAKE A COPY of any of the Google forms and use "SAVE AS" to keep all completed applications. READ THE DIRECTIONS FOR EACH SCHOLARSHIP-some will require you to submit the application directly and some will be turned in to the counselor's office. If you are not sure, please ask. If you need letters of recommendation, ASK EARLY!!


Military Descendant Scholarships


Please read ALL directions and eligibility rules. Some of the scholarships require you to HAND WRITE your essay. Deadlines may change. Please check often and do not wait until the last minute to turn in scholarships. Scholarships may be emailed to Ms. Ray. You will receive a confirmation once they are received. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEETING ALL DEADLINES. IF IT SAYS "MUST BE POSTMARKED BY", SCHOLARSHIPS ARE DUE THE DAY PRIOR IF YOU WANT ME TO MAIL THOSE. Be sure to ask if you have any questions.







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