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- FREE Audiobooks
- Contains a variety of full-text magazines, newspapers, journals and reference materials to support the
education and research needs of Missouri citizens. This information is from reliable sources that provide
accurate information. Databases available through MOREnet include Learning Express Library, Explora
(EBSCOhost), and Heritage Quest. (see links below)
Learning Express Library
- FREE online practice tests for AP exams, ACT, SAT, GED and so much more. An account must first be created
using a computer at Bourbon High School. (see Mrs. Baxter for details)
Explora - High School (part of Ebsco resources)
- Full text database for periodicals, primary source documents, reference books, images, and biographies,
Academic Search Elite, Book Collection Notification: High School and Middle School Edition ebook collection,
MAS Ultra School Edition Newspaper Source, Science Reference Center, Ebooks K-12 Consumer
Health Collections.
OWL/Purdue Writing Lab
The State Historical Society of Missouri
- The State Historical Society of Missouri is home to more than 9,000 manuscript collections, more than
8,000 maps, over 56,000 rolls of newspapers on microfilm, over 4,800 oral history interviews, and over
100,000 original photographs, postcards, and other graphic materials. The reference collection of books,
pamphlets, and official state publications total more than 165,000 items. SHSMO also boasts the nation's
best collection of Missouri regional and westward expansion art.
World Book Online - (See Mrs. Baxter for login)
- World Book Online hosts thousands of articles, as well as hundreds of maps, videos, and other media for an
immersive learning experience. Teacher resources, curriculum correlations, learning standards, and other useful
tools for educators are included across all databases.
What Should I Read Next? - search by title or author to find a list of similar selections
YALSA Book Finder
- One-stop shop for finding selected lists and award winners. (search this free resource by award, list name, year,
author, genre and more, as well as print customizable lists)